


Important Dates

Paper Submission StartsFebruary 1st, 2024
First RoundPaper Submission DeadlineApril 30, 2024Closed
Notification of Paper AcceptanceJune 15, 2024Closed
Second RoundPaper Submission DeadlineAugust 15, 2024
Notification of Paper AcceptanceOctober 15, 2024
Camera Ready Submission DeadlineOctober 30, 2024
Early Bird Registration DeadlineNovember 05, 2024
Conference DatesDecember 19-21, 2024

As in previous years, CVIP 2024 will employ a two-round review process. New papers can be submitted in either the first or the second round. The primary benefit of submitting in First round is that submissions which are not accepted early in the first round can be revised and resubmitted along with a rebuttal, enabling authors to address reviewer concerns. Second round submissions will not have a rebuttal.